Photo credits: Rick LaRiviere
After stocking our salmon fry in late April to early May, our attention turns to our field operations. Among those operations is the demanding task of dealing with river and tributary obstructions, both natural and man-made.
A burgeoning beaver population in the southern Maine region creates issues for emigrating salmon smolts. Re-establishing connectivity between spawning habitats and the Atlantic is of utmost importance. This calls for a little elbow grease and a good pair of waders.
Beside the beaver activity, Mother Nature takes her toll occasionally. Stream/road crossings, large fallen trees (which are irresistable to beavers) also need to be dealt with in order to maintain proper flow and fish passage.
It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it! Actually, stream restoration is a lot of fun, as evidenced by the photos of the folks from various generations that help out with the work.